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What You Need to Know About Titanium Dental Implants


Titanium Dental Implant

If you lose a tooth or you are missing several teeth, you may be wondering about dental implants for restoring your teeth. Titanium dental implants are considered the premium option in tooth restoration, but you may wonder if this is the right option for you. Are titanium dental implants safe? How long do they last?…

When Do I Need Replacement Veneers?


Girl looking at her teeth in a mirror.

Veneers are the ultimate option for a smile makeover. Whether you have crooked, stained, gapped or uneven teeth, veneers can quickly change your smile’s appearance. Porcelain veneers are an investment in your smile – they can last for many years, and they maintain a whiter appearance than natural teeth. But before you decide to get…

What Are the Pros and Cons of Veneers?


Perfect teeth after porcelain veneers application.

Do you want a smile makeover? If you have stained teeth, gaps, crooked teeth or other dental flaws, you may be embarrassed of your smile. It can take years to correct all cosmetic issues with your smile if you need braces and other dental work. A quicker way to get the smile you desire is…

Do Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?


A happy man in a dental chair during veneer color matching.

When you see actors or models with perfect teeth, you are often seeing the work of a cosmetic dentist. Few people have perfectly straight teeth that are white and even naturally – even with orthodontic treatment it can require cosmetic dentistry to achieve those perfect smiles. Veneers have been used for decades by models, actors,…

What Are the Different Gum Disease Stages?


A woman with dental pain caused by gum disease.

Gum or periodontal disease is the most common cause of tooth loss, but it causes many other problems. Gum disease can lead to bone loss in the jaw, which impacts the facial structure and appearance. It can also increase risk for serious health problems like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. Understanding the gum…

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?


teeth before and after whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective cosmetic treatments you can do to improve the appearance of your smile. White, bright teeth appear more attractive and youthful compared to dull, yellow or graying teeth. There are many different ways to whiten your teeth and the method you use can determine how quick you get…

What Are Lie Bumps on a Tongue?


Young men sticking out his tongue watching in in the mirror.

Have you heard the superstition that when you tell a lie, bumps form on your tongue? This old tale is not true, but it is what gave transient lingual papillitis the nickname “lie bumps.” The white or red bumps on the tongue are not a sign of telling a lie, but they can be uncomfortable.…

Scalloped Tongue Causes and Treatments


A man looking at his scalloped tongue in the mirror.

Do you have indents on the sides of your tongue? This condition is called a scalloped tongue, and is also referred to as pie crust, crenated, crenulated and wavy tongue. There are a wide variety of reasons for this condition – most involve swelling in the tongue that pushes the tongue into the teeth. If…

Everything You Need to Know About Mini Dental Implants


Satisfied woman after dental restoration with mini dental implants looking at her teeth in a mirror.

Dental implants are considered the superior option for tooth restoration. Unlike removeable dentures or dental bridges, dental implants attach to the jawbone like a natural tooth root for a lasting, durable restoration. Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for traditional dental implants, and the procedure can be invasive and expensive. An alternative is mini…

How to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal


Young man after wisdom tooth removal trying to fall asleep.

Wisdom tooth extractions are a common oral surgery procedure to remove troublesome back molars. The procedure is performed as an outpatient surgery and most patients can return home to rest within a few hours of their arrival time at the dentist’s office. Once home, it is important that patients adhere to their dentist’s recommended recovery…