A tongue tie is a congenital condition that restricts the movement of the tongue. It is estimated that almost 5% of children are born with a tongue tie that can impact their tongue movement for breastfeeding and speech. There are dental procedures that can be used to free a tongue tie: the lingual frenotomy, lingual…
Do you have missing teeth you want replaced? Dental implants are the premium option for replacing lost teeth, but some individuals are concerned about dental implant procedure pain. If you need tooth restoration, it is important to know about the benefits of dental implants and what to expect during the procedure and recovery. Do dental…
Your teeth are meant to be functional for chewing and supporting your facial structure, but they are also part of your appearance. When teeth are misaligned, they may not function the way they should or look their best. One type of misalignment is an overbite. Teeth with an overbite can result in some functional and…
Lost teeth, nutrition, aging and periodontal disease can all impact the density of the bone in your jaw. To perform certain restorative procedures like dental implants, a dental bone graft may be needed to increase bone density in the jawbone. Bone grafts use bone tissue to stimulate bone growth, but there can be complications during…
Most people will experience cavities that require a filling. A cavity filling dental treatment is effective at removing tooth decay and restoring the tooth for normal function. After a cavity is removed and filled, most patients can resume normal oral functions, but some people may experience side effects from their treatment. For some patients, tooth…
When a tooth is infected or severely damaged, it can be in jeopardy. In the past, the only way to stop the infection or pain was to remove the tooth. Root canal therapy has been used for decades to save infected teeth. This procedure can remove the infected tooth material and nerve roots, stopping the…
The jawbones are the foundation for your teeth and your lower facial structure. When bone loss occurs in the jawbones, it can result in tooth loss (it can also be caused by tooth loss, so it is a vicious cycle), and it may impact the facial appearance. To restore jawbone density, a dental bone graft…
When recovering from a tooth extraction, it is important to allow the gum tissue to heal during the days after the procedure. One of the recommendations for recovering from tooth removal or oral surgery is avoiding crunchy, chewy or hard foods. If you are having a tooth removal surgery, you should plan to only eat…