Our Blog

What if My Dental Crown Feels Too Big?


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It happens on occasion that a new crown doesn’t feel like it’s fitting as it should. If you run into the problem of feeling that your crown is too big, what can you do about it? Definitely don’t wait too long! A poorly fitting crown can lead to problems down the road. What If You…

Can You Pull a Filling or Crown Out When You Floss?


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Permanent crowns and fillings are cemented and bonded to your teeth to last for a long time. One question many people ask, is if their crown or filling will fall out if they floss around them? As with your natural teeth, flossing should be a part of your daily oral hygiene routine with crowns and…

What Are Snap-on Dentures – Pros and Cons of Snap-on Dentures


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Regular dentures can slip out of one’s mouth easily, causing public embarrassment. The solution to this problem comes from snap-on dentures, which snap on to dental implants placed at the sides of the inner jaw. Sometimes, multiple implant posts are used as anchors for the snap-on dentures. These dentures stay in place and do not…

My Dental Implant Fell Out – Now What?


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You just had your new implant placed. Your dentist gave you some post-procedural care instructions, and you went on your way. After a couple weeks of healing, however, you notice something utterly horrifying: your implant has come out. What do you do with this little metal piece? Implant or Abutment: The Difference An implant is…

Strickland Facelift Dentures


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What if you could get dentures that not only improved your smile, they also improved your appearance? Strickland Facelift Dentures do just that! Using neuromuscular techniques and a custom design process, these dentures enhance your facial appearance so much that it looks almost as if you’ve had a facelift. The customized fit allows Strickland Facelift…

What is a Three-Quarter Crown?


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Well, a three-quarter crown is exactly what it sounds like! Think of what a dental crown looks like – a restoration that covers your entire tooth. Now imagine that it is only needed to cover roughly three-quarters of a tooth. Let’s take a look at how three-quarter crowns are used and why they are great…

Will Insurance Cover a Full Mouth Reconstruction?


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Has your smile been wrecked by an accident, cancer, or some other extensive disease? It could be difficult at the least and impossible at the worst for your mouth to function. Eating and speaking could be challenging as you’re in constant pain. Your smile needs more than a mere cosmetic makeover – it needs a…