Our Blog

What Is a Frenum?


A girl showing her tongue out.

The mouth has many different types of tissues, from your teeth and tongue to muscles, ligaments and frena (plural for frenum). What is a frenum? It is one of the lesser-known tissues, also called a frenulum. In some cases, a frenectomy may be recommended for children, but is this a wise choice? Frenum are connective…

Tartar Broke Off While Flossing?


An Afro-American woman flossing her teeth.

In most cases, the hard tartar on teeth can only be removed by a dental professional. Brushing, string flossing or water flossing usually will not budge calculus on teeth, but in the right circumstance, it may happen. If tartar broke off while flossing, here is what it means and what you should do next. What…

Exposed Nerve in Tooth: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Woman suffering from dental pain

Every tooth has nerves that connect the tooth to the nervous system. These nerves can signal when a tooth is exposed to cold, heat or inflammation, causing toothaches and other sensations. Here is what you need to know about an exposed nerve in tooth pain and how to get relief. When teeth are healthy and…

Do You Need Specialized Floss for Braces?


Woman wearing orthodontic braces flossing her teeth.

If you have braces, you know that oral hygiene can be more challenging when you have brackets and wires on your teeth, especially flossing. You may wonder, should you use specialized dental floss with braces or what works best? Here’s what you need to know about floss for braces. Do You Have to Floss If…

Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?


A woman during orthodontic appointment looking at her corrected smile in a mirror.

If you have crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, your dentist may suggest that you get orthodontic treatment. Braces are the traditional treatment for malocclusions, but clear aligners like Invisalign® are very popular. Is Invisalign better than braces? Invisalign vs. braces – which is right for you? How Braces Work Braces use brackets that are…

Kid’s Braces: What You Need to Know


A girl with perfectly aligned teeth holding orthodontic aligner.

One of the most commonly asked questions by parents to their child’s dentist is whether or not they will need braces. It is understandable that parents have concerns about kid’s braces and if their child will need orthodontic treatment. Here is what you need to know about children’s braces. Braces in one form or another…

Invisalign vs Smile Direct: What You Need to Know


Happyyoung woman with a perfect smile holding a clear orthodontic aligner.

If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, you may consider receiving orthodontic treatment. One of the most popular options for teeth straightening is Invisalign® clear aligners, but there are other treatments available like Smile Direct. Here is what you need to know about Invisalign vs Smile Direct. Invisalign is the original inventor of clear aligner…

What Does a Hard Bump on Gums Mean?


Concerned woman in a dental chair touching the area by her mouth.

If you suddenly feel a lump or bump inside your mouth, you may be concerned about your oral health. It is understandable to be alarmed by a new growth anywhere in your body. A hard bump on the gums is usually not serious, but there are various possibilities of what is causing the oral lump.…

Effective Digital Marketing for Dentists


A man searching a dentist online.

When it is time to find a new dentist, more and more people are turning to their digital devices to find a provider. Dental practices that are looking to expand their patient list and revenue want to connect with these individuals, which is possible through effective digital marketing for dentists. Long gone are the days…

What Is a Sealant for Teeth?


Woman in a dental chair holding a mirror and looking at her teeth after sealing procedure.

One of the biggest threats to the back molars is tooth decay. These large teeth are hard to keep clean, especially for children. To prevent cavities from forming on both baby and adult molars, a sealant for teeth may be recommended. Here is what you need to know about teeth sealants. The molars in the…